The signature of LDH, 2024, Lars den Hertog

The signature artistic signature of the artist Lars den Hertog (LDH) signature carefully. As an inspirational point a believed coat of arms of his family was taken. The real coat of arms would surface later after the signature was already completed. The androgynous figures in relation to the plants, candles and skull, which make up the other parts of the signature are representations of his interests and the topics he works with. Such as love, eroticism, melancholy and questioning genders. By deciding to create and use a signature, which is also based on his family history, LDH plays with the idea of degenerating family status in a Decadentistic tradition.

The combination of these layers should be perceived as a critique on traditional ideas of masculinity and patriarchal structures. Afterall, knowledge of the past influences how we position ourselves in the general public and how we can add to a more healthy, inclusive and understanding society. Growing up in a patriarchal world, with a very tense relationship with his father causes the urge for LDH to question the patriarchal structures and the role and definition of the man as a gender.

LDH, Lars den Hertog 1996, operates as a painter, poet and performer amongst others. After graduating from his master in fine arts and design at Maastricht Institute of Arts in 2020 he took the initiative to organize exhibitions and poetry events. In his work LDH is occupied with the big topics of love, melancholy, decay and how these are intertwined with masculinity and patriarchal structures. This results in work which questions what benign a man in our contemporary society means and how man as a gender must be repositioned towards the other genders and redefined.

Title: The signature of LDH
Artist: Lars den Hertog
From: Nieuwe Domein Sittard
To: …

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