DOROTHYMANIA, 2024, Dorothy Hendriks

Dorothy is in here, in dorothymania, her own abundance of queer identity making up for her own lost history through sheer quantity in images appropriated from her surroundings and interests. then chewed on and regurgitated onto paper and then collaged into the image of a flag.

Dorothy (a.k.a. dorothyinhell) Hendriks is a transwoman and multi-disciplinary artist. She keeps herself busy exploring the creation of her own world through marker paintings, sculptures, video, sound or whatever new thing she decides interests her this week. She is an extraterrestrial sponge, absorbing her surroundings and appropriating it into her own language and style. her art is interested in topics around the horror of having a body and the relation to gender and the way institutions have been a frustration on her life as woman and artist. She is in hell, and heaven is a personal ascension reached through creation.

Artist: Dorothy Hendriks
Title: “DOROTHYMANIA” (2024)
Greylight Projects



